Example: heat_equationΒΆ

PDE parallel numerical solver. This example shows how to numerically solve the heat equation on a square in parallel.

from playdoh import *
from numpy import *
from pylab import *

# Any task class must derive from the ParallelTask
class HeatSolver(ParallelTask):
    def initialize(self, X, dx, dt, iterations):
        # X is a matrix with the function values and the boundary values
        # X must contain the borders of the neighbors ("overlapping Xs")
        self.X = X
        self.n = X.shape[0]
        self.dx = dx
        self.dt = dt
        self.iterations = iterations
        self.iteration = 0

    def send_boundaries(self):
        # Send boundaries of the grid to the neighbors
        if 'left' in self.tubes_out:
            self.push('left', self.X[:, 1])
        if 'right' in self.tubes_out:
            self.push('right', self.X[:, -2])

    def recv_boundaries(self):
        # Receive boundaries of the grid from the neighbors
        if 'right' in self.tubes_in:
            self.X[:, 0] = self.pop('right')
        if 'left' in self.tubes_in:
            self.X[:, -1] = self.pop('left')

    def update_matrix(self):
        # Implement the numerical scheme for the PDE
        Xleft, Xright = self.X[1:-1, :-2], self.X[1:-1, 2:]
        Xtop, Xbottom = self.X[:-2, 1:-1], self.X[2:, 1:-1]
        self.X[1:-1, 1:-1] += self.dt * (Xleft + Xright + Xtop + Xbottom - \
            4 * self.X[1:-1, 1:-1]) / self.dx ** 2

    def start(self):
        # Run the numerical integration of the PDE
        for self.iteration in xrange(self.iterations):
            log_info("Iteration %d/%d" % (self.iteration + 1,

    def get_result(self):
        # Return the result
        return self.X[1:-1, 1:-1]

def heat2d(n, iterations, nodes=None, machines=[]):
    # Default allocation
    allocation = allocate(machines=machines, cpu=nodes)
    nodes = len(allocation)

    # ``split`` is the grid size on each node, without the boundaries
    split = [(n - 2) * 1.0 / nodes for _ in xrange(nodes)]
    split = array(split, dtype=int)
    split[-1] = n - 2 - sum(split[:-1])

    dx = 2. / n
    dt = dx ** 2 * .2

    # y is a Dirac function at t=0
    y = zeros((n, n))
    y[n / 2, n / 2] = 1. / dx ** 2

    # Split y horizontally
    split_y = []
    j = 0
    for i in xrange(nodes):
        size = split[i]
        split_y.append(y[:, j:j + size + 2])
        j += size

    # Define a double linear topology
    topology = []
    for i in xrange(nodes - 1):
        topology.append(('right', i, i + 1))
        topology.append(('left', i + 1, i))

    # Start the task
    task = start_task(HeatSolver,  # name of the task class
                      args=(split_y, dx, dt, iterations))  # arguments of the
                                                           # ``initialize``
                                                           # method

    # Retrieve the result, as a list with one element returned
    # by ``MonteCarlo.get_result`` per node
    result = task.get_result()
    result = hstack(result)

    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    result = heat2d(50, 50, nodes=MAXCPU - 1)
#    hot()
#    imshow(result)
#    show()

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